
Electricity from Solar Energy – Harvest the Spanish Sun

Electricity From the Spanish Sun

Solar panels are not just for producing hot water. They are also used for producing electricity. With rapidly rising fuel costs the prospect of producing energy which is clean green and carbon free is becoming increasingly attractive. In Spain solar panels produce a lot of energy even in the winter when we get clear brightContinue reading

Biomass Heating Systems

Biomass fuel pellets

As the price of fossil fuels jump to record highs and climate change focusses people’s attention on CO2 neutral fuels biomass heating systems are increasingly popular and effective. Biomass is organic material which has stored solar energy in plants from sunlight in the process of photosynthesis. Biomass fuels in Spain include fun things like oliveContinue reading

Why It Makes Financial Sense to Build Green

Feasibility eco home

Whilst it would be easy for me to say that green building always pays when you consider the wider benefits it can sometimes seem hard to justify the additional up-front costs. Certainly ensuring that a building comes in on budget and is not a financial burden is likely to be top of the list. PaybackContinue reading

Space Heating and Cooling With Heat Pumps

Space Heating and Cooling Heat Pump

With space heating and cooling accounting for 70% of domestic energy requirements heat pumps have fast become the darling of the energy efficient housing industry. Take space heating and cooling out of the equation and you’re way on the way to a zero carbon home. Heat pumps use the time proven refrigeration cycle that weContinue reading

Solar hot water system in Spain: Is it the best investment?

Hot water from a solar hot water system, Spain

With an average of 320 days of sunshine a year in the south, it’s not surprising that solar hot water systems in Spain are a common feature of many homes. Solar hot water systems in Spain are reliable, durable and quite straightforward to install. But while there’s certainly no shortage of sunshine to produce domesticContinue reading

Energy Efficient Homes in Spain – Less Is More

“Things need to be as simple as possible but no simpler “ Albert Einstein

The misconception that energy efficient buildings will cost more to build is almost impossible to shift. Most people in this area seem to miss the point. For the most part energy efficiency in the home isn’t about technical solutions such as wind turbines, photovoltaic, heat pumps and the like. There’s a danger that these gadgetsContinue reading

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