
4th Nordic Passive House Conference

Passive House Conference

PHN11 Helsinki conference is the 4th conference in the Nordic series of seminars on passive houses. The first conference was held in Trodheim (Norway) 2008, the second in Gothenburg (Sweden) 2009 and the third in Aalborg (Denmark) 2010. The themes for PHN11 are based on the conclusions from the Aalborg conference. 4th Nordic Passive HouseContinue reading

The Energy Efficient Buildings of the future

Solar panels

According to the EU directive amended in 2010, member States shall ensure that: (a) by 31 December 2020, all new buildings are nearly zero- energy buildings; and (b) after 31 December 2018, new buildings occupied and owned by public authorities are nearly zero-energy buildings. The directives states that: “Buildings account for 40 % of totalContinue reading

Solar Orientation for Energy Efficiency in Spain

solar house turntable

At Eco Vida all our buildings are constructed on a giant revolving turntable which orientates the primary occupied rooms south in the winter for maximum solar gain and north in the summer for maximum shading. The dining room faces east for sunrise at breakfast and spins round west for cocktails at sunset………….only joking! But suchContinue reading

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